Is Your Realtor Marketing Budget Optimized?

How Much Are You Spending on Marketing? The amount of your realtor commissions that you should spend on marketing can vary based on your individual circumstances and business goals. Although there is no specific industry standard, a common suggestion is to allocate around 10% to 20% of your commissions towards marketing activities. If you are […]

Hyper Local Real Estate Marketing and Unique Lead Generation

Go hyper local – There are no absolute, sure-fire ways to ensure you’ll beat out the competition – However, going hyper local and building your reputation as the definitive expert in your community is what we’ve seen as THE critical success factor – Hyper Local Real Estate Marketing And if you’re looking for, without a doubt, the […]

Exposing Your Unique Realtor Content to Clients

Unique realtor content refers to original and distinctive information created by a real estate agent or agency to engage and attract potential clients. Therefore, attracting clients by exposing your unique content is critical. Your content is what sets a realtor apart from the competition and provides value to you target audience. YAKYAK provides a single […]

Is Your Realtor Marketing Budget Optimized?

Realtors have a wide range of marketing options available to promote their services and properties. The choice and combination of strategies will vary based on factors such as target market, budget, local market conditions, and individual choice. Is your advertising budget giving you a high return on investment? Some of the common channels used by […]